Chelsea Bevin
Management Accountant
Poole Audi and Volvo Cars Poole

Meet Chelsea
I’m Chelsea Bevin, Management Accountant for Poole Audi & Volvo Cars Poole. I started with the business in 2015 and feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to grow and learn through the business and develop my career and knowledge over the years. With this experience, I can help my team achieve the best outcomes that they can.
I started as a Credit Controller at Poole Audi 8 years ago having been a Senior Credit Controller at a different company. What I liked most in that role was getting to know the different areas of the business, like Sales and Service as I was already familiar with how a body shop operates.
Now in my current role I get to see the more corporate side of things and while I don’t deal directly with the different areas of the business, I can assist my team and the business in helping everything run smoothly.
My Journey
- 2015 – Joined Ocean Automotive as a Credit Controller
- 2023 – Management Accountant